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Dogs at the Cricket Club

Dogs at the Cricket Club

Dogs at the Cricket Club

Are dogs allowed at the club? Pocklington Cricket Club introduced a 'no dogs on the grass policy' on both pitches all year round in 2023 (with the exception of guide dogs). We have provided additional seating off the grass at the main clubhouse and welcome those who wish to come and enjoy the cricket with their dog (off the grass and on a lead).

Why are dogs not allowed on the grass? Dog fouling and exercising has become a real issue in recent years. We must follow the example set by Pocklington's football and rugby community in requesting that Pocklington residents not use our pitches for dog exercise.

Wear and damage from constant dog use has resulted in several hours of remedial work for volunteers in recent years. In addition, the club had to meet the consequential costs of materials such as seed, fertiliser, and petrol for our machinery, all paid for by our valued member's subscriptions.

Is the back pitch common land? There are several local stories about the ownership of this land. We can confirm the back pitch was not left to the people of Pocklington by Major Stewart, nor did Francis Scaife ever own or occupy the land. Francis Scaife did bequeath some land to the local authority with the desire that a swimming pool be built. That land was elsewhere in Pocklington, behind his house in School Lane, and the field is the children's play area in Victoria Road. That bequest took effect in 1938. He set up a trust fund for the cost of building the pool, however It was 30 years later before a pool was built and his name was applied to the pool once completed.

In 1967, a private landowner (John Henderson) sold this parcel of land on Burnby Lane to (what is now known as) the East Riding Council. The council built the pool on part of this land and leased the back pitch area for the purpose of ball sports to the football club. Pocklington Cricket Club currently now hold this lease until the end of 2096 and has the right to request people not to walk their dogs on the premises.